Terrifying Video Of A Skydiver Trying To Fix Her Parachute After It Fucks Up Mid-Jump

That lasted too long, right? Like it was one thing after another with no real conclusion. Granted she's alive which is good but still, how do you have that many fuck ups in one jump? Did she pack the chute wrong? Did she not take conditions into account? I don't know anything about skydiving so I'm not exactly sure what happened, but it feels at least a little bit preventable. 

Having said that, it is a miracle that she survived. At one point her parachute was literally collapsed completely around her...

She somehow managed to get free only to immediately become tangled in no less than three-hundred ropes…

After that she basically just glided to the ground. The whole thing makes me want to throw up. I can't think of anything worse than being in that situation knowing that with every passing second you're two-hundred feet closer to a closed casket funeral. Imagine how disappointed your family would be? "We told him to stop jumping out of planes!" That's why I'll keep my feet planted firmly on the ground, thank you very much. Now here's the video of Travis Pastrana jumping out of a plane with no parachute. Enjoy…






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